recording of a live webinar with Judyta Cichocka | Parametric Support

duartion 2 x 155 min (twice the same session)

This session will introduce participants to the concept of structural art and the creativity of structural design. Computational morphogenesis and structural form-finding will be explored through the parametric reinterpretation of Felix Candela’s thin-shell engineering designs. This webinar serves an introduction to Finite Element Analysis with Karamba, optimization processes with Swarm Intelligence (Silvereye) and Evolutionary Computation (Octopus). We will instruct participants how to easily develop optimization strategies that aim in optimizing more than one architectural feature at once. The objective of this webinar is to provide participants with a holistic understanding of the interaction of the form, structure and its architectural use by employment of the multi-criteria optimization methods and exploration of the solutions space of design problem.

Grasshopper plug-ins used: Silvereye, Octopus,Lunchbox, Karamba (personal machine.id has to be sent to judyta.cichocka@parametric.support at least 3 days before the webinar)

Judyta Cichocka is a co-founder of Parametric Support – a spin-off from TU Berlin , founder of Code of Space organization, PhD candidate at Technical University of Wroclaw, the main partner of Absolute Joint System in Poland, parametric design tutor at Victoria University of Wellington and at Advances of Architectural Geometry in London (2014) and Zürich (2016), co-author of Silvereye – an optimization tool based on Swarm Intelligence. She has been working both for academia and business, among others for: Technical University of Vienna, Irkutsk State Technical University, STEM Architects and APA Wojciechowski. She published multiple articles on optimization and parametric design.

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